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Covid 19


If you develop Covid-19 infection, or any other significant infection, we advise that you temporarily stop immunosuppressive treatments (apart from Steroids)



Covid-19 Vaccinations


We recommend that all adults should receive a Covid 19 vaccination and Covid 19 Booster vaccinations.  This recommendation also applies to patients with rheumatic and arthritis-related diseases and those taking immunocompromising medications.  The best source of information regarding the HSE vaccination programme is available at this HSE link



General links regarding Covid-19 infection


HSE, WHO, Health Protection Surveillance CentreAmerican College of Rheumatology and the British Society for Rheumatology  



Covid 19 vaccines information links


New England Journal of Medicine FAQs;  information on Covid 19 vaccinations and this  HSE link.





Hand hygiene, social distancing, wearing a mask/face covering and avoiding close contact with those who have a viral illness remain the most important way of avoiding contracting Covid-19 and other infections. 
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